Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Doctor Who

Anyone who has ever loved anything sci-fi ever should see this show. It's a classic British staple that's been around since the '60s, but in the early-mid 2000s they "revamped" the series--no reboot, just a continuation of the series with a slight facelift to everything.

The ninth Doctor is great and all, but it's the tenth Doctor that makes this show. David Tennant is absolutely brilliant and his and Billie Piper's (Rose Tyler, the Doctor's companion) chemistry is beyond excellent.

Not to mention that he's tall, slim, and just a little bit foxy.

The first four seasons (or "series") of the new Doctor Who are up on Netflix's Instant Play, so if you've got that, at least give it a try. (And if you like Doctor Who, definitely try Torchwood, Doctor Who's adult-themed spin-off.)

In other news, there is now a twitter for this site, available @ .

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I actually have no idea if the title of this movie is two words (Zombie Land), one word (Zombieland) or one, spliced word (ZombieLand), but this kicks so much ass that it doesn't matter.

To give you an idea of the sheer amazingness of this movie, there are only seven credited (there are about twenty uncredited actors, but they all had less than 50 seconds of screen time... except for the dude on the toilet. He had more time than Clown Zombie) actors, and they are as follows (with roles, taken from IMDB):

Jesse Eisenberg ... Columbus

Woody Harrelson ... Tallahassee

Emma Stone ... Wichita

Abigail Breslin ... Little Rock

Amber Heard ... 406

Bill Murray ... Himself

Derek Graf ... Clown Zombie

Yeah. There is one person who isn't named after the city they came from/are going to/room number/has no name, and that's Bill Fucking Murray, playing himself. Yeah, Bill Murray the actor plays Bill Murray the actor in this. That's a pretty good measure of how awesome it is. (Not to mention that the star of Little Miss Sunshine makes an appearance as Little Rock, the bitchy brat who watches Hannah Montana and kicks zombie ass.)

And even if BM himself hadn't come anywhere near this movie, it still would've been great; the make-up is fantastic, the story is well-written, clever, and hilarious, and never does Zombieland take itself too seriously. As Tallahasse says, "Enjoy the little things."

Ehh, probably misquoted, but who gives a shit anyways?

I suggest you go see this movie before the impending zombie apocalypse of 2012.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Edward Scissorhands

I don't really understand why this movie has never gotten the acclaim it deserves from the Tim Burton fans. I mean, obviously the hardcore ones like it, because it's Tim Burton and he can do no wrong, but there are tons of people out there who love Sweeney Todd and Nightmare Before Christmas but not Edward Scissorhands.

And it really is a sweet little movie, too. I love the quirky-ness of it all, what with the contrasts between the silly little suburb with its pink, green, blue, etc. houses with its housewives and the looming, rather foreboding dark grey mansion/castle on the top of a hill where Edward lives.

Granted, a lot of the plot devices I could see coming from a mile away, and I felt that several plots with a lot of potential (more about the inventor's machines/his relation with Edward or the creepy neighborhood bible-thumper) were ignored in favor of a somewhat lackluster main plot, but Johnny Depp's creativity with his character really did it for me. I don't know what it is about his shuffling, awkward, and eager-to-please Edward, but I love it.

Anyways, so if you really like Tim Burton, wanted more funny awkwardness between creepy and stereotypically friendly in his movies like NBC or Corpse Bride, and loved the seriousness and underlying themes in Sweeney Todd, I recommend this for you. Just... don't expect it to be too much of a masterpiece, and enjoy it.